University of Illinois at Chicago



Where art, life science and medicine meet technology for visual communication

The UIC Master of Science in Biomedical Visualization provides an interdisciplinary graduate education to shape leaders in visual communication who create, disseminate and advance knowledge in the life sciences, healthcare and medicine.


Student Association

This school has a student association called UIC BVIS Students


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Annie Campbell

Annie is a medical illustrator and animator who runs Now Medical Studios with her business partner, Emily Holden. Her experiences as an art director, project manager and multimedia artist for various studios and companies in the USA and UK have provided her with a broad range of skills and expertise that she now brings to every project. Annie firmly believes in life long learning and sharing.

One of her passions is sharing the business of medical illustration with younger artists embarking into the field. She founded and is an active contributor of Learn Medical Art with Emily, a channel dedicated to creating and sharing tutorials, articles and resources from the field.


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